Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A bit of Coping Poetry- from the D-Years

Secret Slashing

Bridget Wilcox ‘03

Razor to my arm
Need to feel the pain
Need to feel something
Tired of the void
Stuck in a little black box
Can’t get out
It’s so dark
Razor to my arm
It’s all I feel

The Day I Woke Up
Bridget Wilcox ‘07

It wasn’t after you destroyed our home

It wasn’t after you berated me for hours in the parking lot

It wasn’t after you put your hand through the wall

It wasn’t after I swallowed all of those pills

It wasn’t when you called the ambulance

It wasn’t when I was revived

It was when you finally left

It was when I finally had a moment to think, about myself

It was when I realized I could be happy

Without you…

Rage Released

Bridget Wilcox ‘07

“I can hold it back,” you say.
Smiling and laughing, you hide it inside
Deep down, in the pit of your stomach
It stays and grows
Like uncontrollable weeds
It ascends from your bowels
Growing from the misery hindered for so long
Simple release now turned to rage
Fury built up from the sorrow
You fought so hard to keep inside
Now it must be released
Released on me, my spirit, and my body
It must be released


Bridget Wilcox‘08

I do not crave a long hard cry

At the recollection of our friendship

I do not long for a ferocious scream

Knowing it was all a lie

I do not wish to be afraid

To let others in, past the scars

I do not want to hate you

But right now I have to

The Questions That Go Through My Head

Bridget Wilcox ‘07

Will I ever catch up?
Will I ever be normal?
Does love exist for someone like me?
How many times will I fall before I can no longer get up?
Will someone be there to catch me?
Will I be able to catch myself?
Will I live with my parents till they die?
What will happen when they die?
Will I survive?
When will I grow up?
When will my life plan be figured out?
Will I ever be good at anything?
Will I ever be great?
Will I ever trust people the way I used to?
How many mistakes will I make in life?
How many will I make in love?
Do I deserve true happiness?
When I finally reach my goals will they crumble?
When I finally have love, will it leave?
When true joy has blessed my life will I lose it?
Or will I die?


Bridget ‘07

I am an artist
Observing life and beauty
Creating from experience

I am political
Listening and learning
Fighting for a better world

I am spiritual
Examining all religions
Understanding all aspects of God

I am emotional
Facing sadness, rage and delight
Knowing hate and indulging in love

I am
One of a kind…

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